The Benefits of Resistance Training | Form Fitness Christchurch Personal Trainers

The Benefits of Resistance Training

Resistance training is important for everyone and it tends to be the one form of exercise that gets left out. As kids we run, jump and play…we use our bodies, as adults we sit in chairs, work on computers and unfortunately become more inactive.

When we don’t use our bodies physically, over time we lose our flexibility, strength and agility. The older we get the faster it goes, but we can slow that process down and be fit and healthy well into our 90’s! Working with a personal trainer privately or in a group keeps you accountable, ensures you are using the correct technique so your workouts are safe and efficient and makes sure that you are going to succeed at achieving your health and fitness goals as well as maximising the many benefits resistance training has to offer.

Resistance training provides many benefits:

Improved Posture

Most of us don’t hold good posture throughout the day. Holding proper posture makes us feel more confident and reduces the likely hood of back/neck discomfort and injury. By strength training we ensure that our bodies musculature is balanced and therefore holds our skeletal structure up with proper alignment. Working with a personal trainer is a great way to make sure you are on the right program for you to help improve your posture and decrease the strain on your structure.

Slows the aging process

When we’re aging it’s commonly said “I’m slowing down” or can’t do something due to my age. Saying this is only gives you an excuse not to use your body!  It has been well proven that if you just use your body you can be active long throughout your entire life. Yes, as we grow older we do lose muscle mass (the process starts commonly in our 40’s), but we can significantly slow down this process by using our muscles! The saying if you don’t use it, you lose it is true for all of us. So keep your body in tune and stay active!

Increased Metabolism

Ever notice that athletes eat so much? Well, it’s not only their high level of activity it’s also the amount of muscle mass that they carry. Muscle burns more energy than fat, so the greater the muscle mass on your body the greater your metabolism. For example, if you put on an extra 2kg of muscle you would burn an extra 220 calories a day just by sitting! Resistance training also increases your metabolism so you burn even more energy for up to four hours after a training session.


Increased Athletic Performance

A stronger athlete is one that moves more efficiently and that will last longer out on the field or in an event! It’s important that athletes though train properly for their sport and for their body, there is no one size fits all approach. Make sure that your strength training in the gym is the right one for your sport. This is where working with a Form Fitness personal trainer on your gym program with your goals in mind is highly beneficial.

Strengthens Bones

Resistance training as an adult helps to slow the process of Bone Mass Density (BMD) loss that occurs over time and can increase bone density with regular training. Increases in BMD can be seen in adults that exercise well into their 70’s. Continued exercise will prolong its benefits. Fit adults are also less likely to lose balance and have falls that result in injuries.

Out of all the exercise you can do resistance training is one of the best forms that when done correctly reaps so many benefits.  If you are not already working with a Personal Trainer contact us to make sure you are on the right program for your lifestyle and your body. Working with a  Form Fitness Personal Trainer ensures that you will be training with an experienced, knowledgeable and passionate trainer that will help you get all the benefits resistance training can offer.