Eliminate Back Pain by Identifying Imbalances | Form Fitness Christchurch Personal Trainers

Eliminate Back Pain by Identifying Imbalances

Over 90% of the population will suffer from some sort of back pain during their life. In most cases back pain is acute and the pain generally stems from a soft tissue injury such as a sprain and resolves itself within a few days or weeks.   Chronic back pain has many factors that contribute to the occurrence of pain. These can include postural problems, muscle spasm and inactivity.

When a disk or ligament is injured it causes the muscles and fascia around the injury to tighten and impinges on surrounding nerves causing local or transferred pain (e.g. Sciatica).  The end result is a body restricted in movement and plagued with muscular imbalances and pain.  It is important to note that disks, although they are capable of generating pain, generally do not cause back pain, but rather it is the tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves) surrounding the disks which tighten/weaken as a result of an injury and create the sensation of pain.

Unfortunately the lifestyle imposed on many of us today involves very little physical work, postural awareness, strength or flexibility.  We are rendered to spending most of our day in a chair which in itself causes problems over a period of time. Your exercise regime should always take into account your daily activities to counteract the imbalances that your lifestyle may create.

One of the most common imbalances associated with back pain is tight hip flexors. When the hip flexors are tight they rotate the pelvis forward causing excessive stress on the lumbar disks, weakening the glutes and causing the lumbar muscles to overwork. A job that involves sitting can shorten these hip flexors substantially if remedial exercise is not undertaken.

There are other many other problems that can cause back pain so it is important to undergo a full postural and muscle imbalance assessment to identify what is going on. However it is good to note that in most cases when you identify the imbalances that are present within the body and restore symmetry, function and strength to the body back pain can be significantly reduced if not eliminated.

If you would like to know more or chat with one of our Personal Trainers about eliminating your back pain Contact Us today.