Functional Training for Life

Have your everyday movements become uncomfortable to perform? You may be experiencing a twinge here and there…

Functional strength training is a type of exercise that mimics the readiness your body needs to perform daily activities with ease. They equip you for one of the most important types of physical fitness, the kind that preps you for real-life movement such as bending, twisting, lifting, loading, pushing, pulling, squatting and hauling.

This type of exercise also helps to improve balance, endurance, flexibility, brain health while reducing pain and discomfort.


“You have the ability to get to a place where you can live your life without daily pain or discomfort, and functional training can help you.”


Functional Exercise Examples

Think about when you sit to stand, this movement is a squat. Squats are a great multi-joint exercise that strengthen the muscles you use every day to sit in a chair or bend down to pick an item up off the floor. How many times do you already sit to stand in a day? Learning how to squat well and developing strength in this area will help you in your daily life.

If you want to improve your strength and ability to carry groceries or other objects, one of the functional exercises you could use would be the farmer’s walk. This involves gripping and carrying weights in each hand while walking.

By incorporating functional exercises like the farmer’s walk into your workout routine, you can improve your overall fitness and train your body to handle the physical demands of daily life.

Are you at a desk and computer all day experiencing neck/back pain, poor core strength and posture? Let us look at ways to improve sitting and postural positions that will become your new default positions to eliminate tightness and pain.

Similarly, if you have a physically demanding job, functional exercises that have transferable strength can help reduce your risk of injury and improve your ability to execute the task ahead safely and effectively.

Functional training can help adults of every age maintain their ability to perform daily activities and it can also benefit younger individuals who want to improve their overall fitness and athletic performance. If you are looking for a comprehensive, effective way to improve your overall strength, consider incorporating functional strength training into your exercise routine and start reaping the results of this practical approach daily.

Learn all about functional training with one of our Personal Trainers who can perform a thorough physical assessment and prescribe a customized exercise program designed to address your goals and adapt your program as you make progress. Your trainer will show you proper form and ensure you are performing exercises appropriate for you.



I have so much respect for Form Fitness.

With exercises and numerous tips that are easy to work into my day-to-day routine my body feels so different….in a good way! 

If you are needing rehab, strengthening exercises or have specific issues the trainers have a wide range of experience and knowledge.

After 10 years of living with a spinal cord injury this experience has been the most productive in recent years.

I cannot recommend FORM FITNESS highly enough….   JN