Is Forward Head Posture affecting you… and what is Kyphosis?

Are you spending too much time at the computer, on your phone or curled over while driving? Have you noticed you are like the one in the picture with your head and chin jutting forward?

Occupational posture is one of the leading issues contributing to our poor postural habits. Leaning forward or backwards in a chair for long durations encourages slouched or relaxed faulty sitting posture. Over time this can lead to a rounded back and other associated postural changes effecting your range of movement.

Neck, back and shoulder stiffness can be the culprit usually accompanied by pain causing problematic headaches and perhaps even instability in your balance due to poor alignment. The rounded spinal curvature can also make it difficult to look upwards or turn your head which is commonly noticed when driving. Because of postural discomfort when lying you may also have trouble sleeping and feel irritable for the day ahead.

Does any of this sound familiar to you or someone you know?


What is Kyphosis? 

A Kyphotic position refers to a condition with an excessive curvature in the thoracic vertebrae (upper back) also likely to create increased curvatures in the cervical (neck) and sometimes lumbar (lower back). It commonly causes forward head posture.

It has various causes such as:


Poor posture, such as frequently leaning back in chairs or sitting over a computer for prolonged periods while bending forward.


Structural issues in the spine caused by disease.


Abnormal spine development that occurs before birth.

Spinal injury: 

Trauma or damage to the spine.


If a rounded back, forward-slouched shoulders and forward head posture is not making you feel at your very best, we can help.

At Form Fitness we believe that good posture is essential for your long-term health and well-being. 

We can help you improve your posture and reduce pain by correcting the muscle imbalances that contribute to this problem.

You don’t need to continue to suffer with neck, shoulder and upper back pain!

Book an Appointment for a comprehensive assessment and lets work together towards correcting the issues that cause your pain.



Client Review:

I am not a gym person but I was not feeling good in my own body and I had had enough of being so uncomfortable. My assessment was thorough, thank goodness I was not put on the scales and I didn’t have my fat pinched but I did learn so much about my posture and alignment.

I feel like I have my body back, my posture has corrected, my discomfort and pain have gone and I have a clear understanding about what was causing me problems so I can correct it every day. I feel stronger, healthier and I look much better! – E.F